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Local Support


With the cost of living soaring, we realise that some of our residents may be finding it difficult to pay their bills.

This is some of the support we've been informed is available.

Chet Valley Community Larder

The Community Larder opened in the Library/Town Council lobby on the 01 September 2022.


Food bags will be available to collect from the Loddon Library between 1.00-3.00pm.


You can register via this link for the food bags. There will be a £1.00 charge for the bag.


This service is open to residents of the Chet Valley (Loddon, Chedgrave, Hales & Heckingham, Langley & Hardley, Sisland).


The community larder will be available every Saturday between 1.00-3.00pm and every Monday between 12.00-2.00pm in the Loddon Library only.


The donation shelves & fridge are still open and we appreciate any donations you may wish make, including cash donations, which can be handed to volunteers or the Town Council office.


Thank you for your continued support.



Your Norfolk Advice Helpline is available Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm and provides guidance around available advice and support agencies in Norfolk. The number is 0333 996 8333.​​​​​​​​


Do You Need Help?

South Norfolk Council has a community ‘Help Hub’ – 01508 533933. The Help Hub will redirect your request to a local group of volunteers. Residents can also visit for more information.


Better Off Calculator


South Norfolk and Broadland’s Help Hub uses the ‘Better off Calculator’ to ensure that you are receiving all the financial help you are entitled to, including Housing Benefit and Council Tax Assistance. You can also apply for these through the calculator and the form will go directly to South Norfolk Council’s Benefits Team.


A helping hand for South Norfolk residents


South Norfolk Council recognise how important it is for our elderly residents to stay in their own homes for as long as possible and sometimes a small change can make a big difference.


The Council’s Handyperson+ scheme supports residents with a wide range of small household repairs and minor adaptation work.


The experienced team can help with many tasks including fitting key safes, fall prevention adaptions, smoke alarms, grab rails and better lighting. They can also offer advice on staying warm during cold weather.


As well as small works, the handyperson will chat to residents during a visit to see if they would benefit from any additional help. They have an in-depth knowledge of grants, allowances and services a resident may be eligible for.


In addition, the team can direct residents to relevant community support, including social clubs or events in the local area to help combat loneliness.


You may be eligible for the service free of charge if;

  • You are over 65

  • Have a long-term condition or disability AND

  • Receive either Housing Benefit, Guaranteed Pension Credit or Universal Credit.


You may be eligible for our handyperson service with an hourly charge of £10.32 if;

  • You are over 65 AND

  • Have a long-term condition or disability


You may be eligible for our handyperson service with an hourly charge of £20.78 if;

  • You are under 65 you have no long-term condition or disability.


This does not include the cost of any materials.


To contact the Council to request the Handyperson+ service please call 01508 505284, or email:

Norfolk County Council       Household Support Fund autumn/winter 2022

Norfolk County Council has just announced its cost-of-living support offer, helping households in the County manage their costs. As stakeholders we wish to raise your awareness of the programme of support available, to enable you to signpost your customers to help where needed.
The Council has been allocated £6.69 million to be spent by the end of March 2023 by the government’s Household Support Fund and will add an additional £1.2m of council funds to create a total support package for Norfolk Households of just over £7.9m. The new scheme aims to provide extra support to those facing hardship this winter, as the cost-of-living crisis continues, especially around food and energy costs.
The County Council will continue to work closely with district, borough and city councils, the VCSE sector and schools to help those most in need, with a special focus on providing support for rising energy and utility bills over winter.
There have been some fantastic outcomes through the previous Household Support Fund and the work is supporting many people across Norfolk. However, the pressures continue for some, and may be particularly difficult over the winter period as households use more fuel to keep their homes warm, and the increased costs of this.
Based on previous experience, the funding is expected to provide support to around 70,000 households across Norfolk.

Below is a summary of the support that is on offer.
Support for families who receive Free School Meals 
The Council will continue to provide cost-of-living vouchers for free school meals eligible children, with those eligible receiving a total of £120 in vouchers per child for the period November 2022 to April 2023.
The vouchers are provided by Edenred, which can be used in all supermarkets for essentials, including clothing.
If you are working with a family who you think may be eligible for free school meals, who are not currently receiving them, please encourage them to speak to their children’s education provider or support them in that conversation where needed.
Children who are home educated and may be entitled to the vouchers can complete the Norfolk Assistance Scheme form and will be supported to access Edenred by NAS.
For more information about free school meals:

Norfolk Assistance Scheme (NAS) 
NAS already provides hardship support to Norfolk residents who are struggling with their living costs. The type of support that NAS provides is tailored to the individual needs of each household. It can include food vouchers, help with buying school uniforms and gas or electricity meter pre-payments, purchasing oil and a range of other support as needed.
NCC have also invested in additional advice capacity that NAS can refer to. This means that as well as one-off financial support, people struggling with their finances will find it easier to access debt and welfare advice and support to find longer term solutions.
Find out more about the support on offer and who can apply at

Norfolk Community Foundation
If you are a VCSE organisation, town or parish council or faith group you can apply to Norfolk Community Foundation for a grant funding to enable £50 cash support or pay contributions to energy/utility bills of £50. You can then use this funding to offer winter aid directly to the people you support.
More detail about who can apply, for how much and when, will soon be available at

Norfolk Community Foundation will be advising VCSE organisations how they link people up with longer term support offered by district council teams and NAS so that they can be helped past the initial £50 sum where needed.

Local support in the community 
City, district, and borough councils are using their in-depth knowledge about their residents and local community to proactively target support to where it is most needed. This support will be delivered through existing local organisations and council services who come across individuals and families in need. City, district, and borough councils will be in touch directly with partner organisations with more detail about their individual schemes.
Norfolk’s network of 47 libraries is offering free hygiene packs with essential toiletry and sanitary products, as well as ‘warm and well’ packs including things like blankets, gloves, and socks. People will be able to go to libraires and pick up these packs in a discreet way when they need them. Libraries will also be offering self-serve hot drinks at all of their libraries this winter during their opening hours.
Winter support in general
Anyone can go to to find out what support is available and how to access it. Organisations and support workers can also do this on people’s behalf. If people have problems accessing online services, then they can visit their local library or call on 0344 800 8020.
What can I do to help?
If you are working with, or aware of, a family who you think may be eligible for free school meals, who are not currently receiving them, please encourage them to speak to their children’s education provider or support them in that conversation where needed.
Please direct people to the website so that they can find the right support for their needs.
If someone needs emergency help with food or fuel, then direct them to the Norfolk Assistance Scheme or tell them to call 0344 800 8020.
Who can I contact for further information? 
•    Hardship Support General Information – Natasha Hayes, Head of Communities, Norfolk County Council
•    Norfolk Assistance Scheme and the support on offer - John Baldwin, Head of Finance Exchequer Services
•    Free School Meal vouchers and support for families – and
•    Broadland Council’s support offer -
•    Breckland Council’s support offer –
•    Great Yarmouth Borough Council’s support offer – Steve Scott-Greenard 0808 196 2238
•    King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council’s support offer -
•    Norwich City Council’s support offer –
•    South Norfolk Council’s support offer -
•    North Norfolk District Council’s support offer -

LGA’s cost-of-living support hub and bulletin – reminder

The Local Government Association (LGA) has recently launched a cost-of-living support hub to help councils continue to support residents and a new monthly cost-of-living bulletin, both of which highlight the latest news from the government. This includes


Wellbeing Newsletter - Help with Cost of Living

Cost of Living payments
These are the cost of living payments provided by central government that people may be eligible to receive:
Energy Bills Support Scheme - £400 per household
All households will be eligible to receive this. Individuals in residential care will not receive any funds through the Energy Bills Support Scheme
This amount will be paid via energy suppliers over 6 months from October 2022. Direct debit and credit customers will have money credited to their account. People with a prepayment meter will have the amount applied to their meter or paid via a voucher.
Where people live in households where rent includes utility costs, landlords should be responsible to pass on any payments received.
Pensioner Cost of Living Payment - £300 per household
You must be over State Pension age (aged 66 or above) as at week ending 25th Sep. 2022 and be receiving the Winter Fuel Payment.
Payment will be automatic as a top-up to their annual Winter Fuel Payment in November/ December 2022. For most pensioner households, this will be paid by direct debit.
Eligible individuals include:
People in hospital receiving free treatment for more than a year
People who require permission to enter the UK and whose granted leave states they cannot claim public funds
People in prison for the whole week from 19 to 25 Sep. 22
People who lived in a care home for the whole time from 27 Jun. to 25 Sep. 22 and received Pension Credit. This only applies to residential care as people who live in supported living or housing with care and meet the criteria will receive the payment. However, if people live in residential care and receive a state retirement pension without pension credit, they can receive a winter fuel payment. Further information can be found here: 

Winter Fuel Payment Eligibility
Cost of Living Payment - £650 per household (paid in 2 instalments of £325)
People receiving certain means-tested benefits are eligible for these payments. This will automatically paid by the DWP in 2 instalments , the first in July 2022 and the second in Autumn 2022.
Eligible benefits include: Universal Credit or Income Based JSA, Income Related ESA, Income Support, Working Tax Credit/Child Tax Credits or Pension Credit.
People in residential care are eligible provided they receive one of the eligible benefits
Disability Cost of Living Payment £150 per claimant Claimants on DLA/ PIP/ AA/Armed Forces Independence Payment/ Constant Attendance Allowance/ War Pension Mobility Supplement at 25/5/2022. Automatically in September 2022. Nothing has been seen to suggest that people in residential care will not get the payment.  Information from the DWP is awaited but again it is suspected  there will be no guidance.  Supported living people should have no issues with getting the payments as they do not have benefit suspended.
Council Tax Rebate £150 per household in England in Council Tax bands A-D. Those who pay Council Tax by direct debit will be paid automatically into their bank accounts from April 2022. People in residential care will not have a payment unless they have a council tax liability. The same for those in supported living they would only receive it if they have a council tax liability. Usually people in support living do not have a council tax liability so the majority will not get the payment. There is a discretionary scheme run by districts where you can apply if you live in a property above a band D. 
Council Tax Rebate
Norfolk Assistance Scheme
The Norfolk Assistance Scheme (NAS) is a support model provided by Norfolk County Council that helps people in financial hardship and cannot pay their living costs. NAS can provide emergency financial help, such as food vouchers, assistance with fuel or utilities, and assistance with rent arrears. NAS can also supply essential household goods and furniture, along with providing support, guidance and advice about other support organisations that are available.
There are currently two offers of support through NAS at present, one for individuals of working age, and one for individuals aged 65 and over. Y

Applications can be made online via:


working-age individuals without access to the internet can make an application over the telephone via 0344 800 8020, and people aged 65 and over with no access to the internet can call Your Norfolk Advice Line on 0333 996 8333 to make an application over the telephone.
Accessing support
Some people may find it difficult to access support, Norfolk County Council have therefore created a web-based campaign to help people find the right support they need. This covers information relating to money support, including NAS, help with benefits and money management, as well as food support, both for families eligible for free school meals. This can be found via:


Norfolk County Council also have in place a service in relation to Information, Advice and Advocacy Services, working in conjunction with charities and voluntary organisations. This service is broken down into three areas:
social welfare information, advice, and representation,
community advocacy, and
specialist support.
This service can be accessed via many different routes, including Adult Social Services, Norfolk Assistance Scheme, and the Norfolk Advice Service.


South Norfolk Council

The following services are available from South Norfolk District Council for residents who are facing hardship and do not have access to support through friends or family:

  • to obtain basic essentials

  • if you’re feeling isolated or lonely

  • if you’re worried about issues at home including relationships

  • money worries and hardship

  • provide information about alleviating loneliness/isolation

  • provide information about support to reduce tension in the home, domestic abuse, children

  • provide debt and welfare advice for individuals and families who have are in financial difficulty

  • provide practical advice for older people who find themselves more vulnerable

To get help please follow the link:


The Money Support Service is here for anyone who is a Norfolk County Council service user who needs help with budgeting.

There are many reasons why people struggle with money. It may be a loss of benefits or a job, a relationship breakdown, an increase in living costs or a lack of budgeting skills.

If you have an illness or disability, money worries can lead to a vicious cycle of deteriorating health and difficulty managing household bills.
They can offer help and advice over the phone, or face-to-face support in your own home if needed. 
How they can support you:

  • They offer budget training, to help work out your income and outgoings to give you a better understanding of your finances.

  • Creating a budget is the first step towards taking control of your finances and getting your situation back on track.

  • If you’re struggling to keep track of your money, they can also provide the following help:

  • Money advice

  • Support to reduce high bills

  • Support with referral to debt management agencies

  • Support with Disability Related Expenses within financial assessments

  • Referrals to the Welfare Rights team to help with complex benefit issues where appropriate

Telephone: 01603 223392 (option 4)
A flyer can be found at


Scope offer free energy and water advice to disabled people, helping them to manage their energy and water needs.
The service is open to any disabled person or households where one or more disabled people live, and those households are in England or Wales.

Demand for telephone appointments is high but new appointments are being released each week.

Telephone: 0808 801 0828
You can also get advice by email at


If you’re in debt to your energy supplier, you might be able to get a grant to help pay it off.
The following energy suppliers offer grants to their customers:
British Gas Energy Trust – apply for a grant on the British Gas Energy Trust website
Ovo Energy Fund – apply for a grant on the Ovo Energy Fund website
E.ON Next Energy Fund – apply for a grant on the E.ON Next Energy Fund website
EDF Energy Customer Support Fund – apply for a grant on the EDF Energy Customer Support Fund website
Octopus ‘Octo Assist Fund’ – apply for a grant on the Octopus website
If you can’t get a grant from your supplier, check if you can get a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust. These grants are available to anyone – you don’t have to be a British Gas customer.
For older people (of/over state retirement age) don’t forget the Friends of the elderly charity grants
Friends of the Elderly provides small grants (normally up to £400) to older people who meet all of the following criteria::
Resident in England and Wales
Of/over state pension age
Who are living on low incomes and with little savings
Who do not fit the criteria for other funders
Their grant streams include:
FINANCIAL SUPPORT grants are help with unexpected bills and large costs such as utility bills, funeral costs for loved ones, moving fees etc.


South Norfolk
Assisted bin collection
Only available when:

  • there are no able-bodied persons living in the property with you

  • you are registered disabled or

  • you are elderly or infirm or

  • you have a physical medical condition meaning you are unable to move your bins or

  • you struggle to remember your bin collection day due to mental illness.

How does the assisted collection work?
The crew will come onto your property on collection days, collect your bins from your front garden, empty your bins and return the bin to your front garden so you won’t need to put your bins out. If you do not have a front garden, please contact them so they can agree a suitable collection point.

Assisted Collections

Additional bins
They can provide extra capacity for those households who need it.
A 240-litre rubbish bin should provide enough capacity for the two weeks between collections. You must meet certain criteria to qualify for this additional capacity. They do not take excess waste.
They will provide a larger recycling bin free of charge as they are keen to encourage recycling as much as possible; please remember the recycling must be clean, dry and not bagged.

Additional Bins

Bulky waste collection 
The fee for a bulky waste collection in South Norfolk District Council is £51 for up to three items and £5.60 per additional item (maximum six items).
Charges are agreed and authorised by the councils’ members.
You may be entitled to a reduced fee if you are in receipt of relevant benefits.

Bulky Waste


Wellbeing Newsletter - Help available to support Norfolk residents with living costs 

Norfolk County Council’s Cost of Living Support Scheme has a £7.7m package of support to help households struggling to pay for food, fuel, energy and water bills, and other essentials.
If you come across anyone who needs help with their everyday living costs, support is available on their website at

Norfolk website

or by contacting them on 0344 800 8020.
Here is some more information about the support available in Norfolk.

Support directly available for parish councils to help residents in need

Town and Parish councils and VCSE organisations can apply to the Norfolk Community Foundation for grants of up to £50 per household to help older people, disabled people and carers with the cost of household energy bills and other regular utility bills.

Norfolk Household Support Fund

Empowering communities for winter resilience
Town and Parish Councils can also apply for funding to develop capacity in any services that support vulnerable people in their community to stay safe, well and connected this winter.

Empowering Communities Fund

Cost of Living Vouchers
Families that are eligible for free school meals will automatically receive a monthly ‘cost of living’ voucher. The vouchers will be £15 per month, per child. There's a larger payment of £30 for August, to coincide with the school holidays. The vouchers will be paid up to and including October 2022

The vouchers are provided by Edenred, which can be used in all supermarkets for essentials, including clothing.

Find out if someone is eligible for free school meals  and help them apply.

Norfolk Assistance Scheme
Norfolk Assistance Scheme (NAS) helps people in financial hardship to pay for their living costs. The scheme can provide emergency financial help, supply essential household goods and furniture and give support, guidance and advice.

People can apply themselves. They will need to complete an application with evidence of their financial situation to show they are eligible for support. For more information and to apply go to:

Emergency funding/housing related costs
Local district, borough or city council can offer a wide range of support: 

Nourishing Norfolk 
Community supermarkets and community fridges offer a long-term solution. They offer a wide range of affordable groceries and enable people to choose the food they would like to buy so they can put together well-balanced, nutritious meals. Norfolk County Council is supporting Norfolk Community Foundation’s Nourishing Norfolk movement to develop 15 food hubs in Norfolk.
Find out more about how people can access foodbanks, community supermarkets and community fridges On Norfolk County Council's website:

Help with food and drink

The Tricky Period and Toiletries to Go
All Norfolk Libraries have free bags of sanitary products and toiletries available to grab and go. They are freely available and there is no need to ask.
More information about what is available is on Norfolk County Council's website:

Tricky Period and Toiletries

Community Learning
Norfolk's Adult Learning service is running:

  • Budgeting courses such as “beat the bills”. 

  • Cooking courses in conjunction with Community Supermarkets.

  • Family learning activities in school holidays.

Find out what’s available and book online.


Help with paying water bills
Norfolk County Council is working with Anglian Water to help older, vulnerable residents with their water debts. Anglian Water will be getting in touch with all those on the social tariff who are eligible for support. However, if you know someone of any age who is struggling to pay their water bills please they should contact Anglian Water directly.


Join us on our upcoming webinars:

Homes for Ukraine
Meet with Natasha Hayes Head of Communities for Norfolk County Council and Simon Shreeve from the People from Abroad Team at Norfolk County Council, to hear about the latest developments in providing support for refugees fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.

Book Here



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9am - 12pm Wednesday

9am - 12pm Thursday



The Old School, Church Plain 

Loddon, Norfolk, NR14 6EX 



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