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Call for people to join the Norfolk Residents’ Panel

24 May 2022


People across the county are being invited to join and strengthen the Norfolk Residents’ Panel.

The panel, launched in 2020 by Norfolk County Council, is currently made up of over 1,000 Norfolk residents recruited from all parts of the region. Norfolk County Council now want to expand the panel, and are asking people to get involved by signing up via

Cllr Andrew Proctor, Leader of Norfolk County Council said: “The Norfolk Residents’ Panel is a good way we can engage with our residents so they can have their say on a wide range of issues affecting Norfolk. As set out in our Better Together, for Norfolk plan, Norfolk County Council are always looking at ways to develop how we engage and communicate with people, to make it easier for people to have an active role in the decisions that shape Norfolk’s future. The Norfolk Residents’ Panel is helping us achieve this goal.”

The purpose of the panel is to listen to and engage with local people to enable them to share their views on how Norfolk County Council can best provide and improve its services to meet the needs of the county’s residents. It is a great chance for people living in Norfolk to have a real say in how life in the county can be improved.

So far, panel members have had a chance to share their thoughts on a range of topics through surveys, focus groups and feedback sessions. Topics have included how Norfolk should look coming out of the Covid-19 pandemic, the role technology should play in adult social care, cycling and walking plans for Norfolk and how best to promote new independent living spaces.

Panel members, who will need to be 18 or over, will be invited to be take part in events such as focus groups and will have the chance to participate in at least 3 online surveys a year.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the panel, or you would like more information please visit

Call for people to join the Norfolk Residents’ Panel
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01508 522 020

EMERGENCY PHONE: 01508 486 128

9am - 12pm Tuesday

9am - 12pm Wednesday

9am - 12pm Thursday

The Old School, Church Plain 

Loddon, Norfolk, NR14 6EX 

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