Loddon Town Council 2024 - 25 Budget
21 February 2024
2024, Finance
The 2024 – 25 budget and budget summary will be added to the finance section of the LTC website in due course.
In addition to its extensive statutory governance, management and administrative responsibilities, the Town Council provides services and projects for the benefit of Loddon residents, including Christmas lights, Community Larder, Staithe toilets, Love Loddon Community Group, Neighbourhood Plan, Allotments, Playing Fields, Tennis Courts, Skate Park and Play Areas and events such as the Coronation Celebration. These services and projects are coordinated by a dedicated group of Councillors, volunteers and a small staff team.
To fund those services and projects, the Council also receives income from grants, the Staithe toilets, facilities and allotments, however the Council’s main income is the LTC precept. LTC precept is a small part of council tax, which is collected by South Norfolk Council.
LTC has agreed a precept of £183,500 for 2024-25. The precept has been held at only a small or zero increase for the last three years, and even though the Council has made savings of £25,000 across its 2024-25 budget, due to inflationary pressures the Council is increasing the LTC precept this year. The increase will mean an extra 53p per week for a council tax band D property.
Please contact us should you require further information.