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Love Loddon Community Group 23 February 2025

We started off our first Love 💚 Loddon working party of 2025 with great gusto! 💪


Anyone visiting Church Plain may notice the rear, by the church railings, has been cut back so that the Spring bulbs can flourish.  The pavement by Loddon Deli has been cleared and swept.  Outside the Co-op has been trimmed and tidied.  Attention was given to the verge along Loddon High Street, with the signs and street furniture washed…and finally, the whole area has been picked clear of litter!


What an amazing team we have in Jo & Mike, Cathryn, Roy, Mervyn, Mike, Jonathon, Sue, Bev, Claire, Carol & Bern, Andy, and Carol (who even baked us cakes!) 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Next LLCG gathering is Sunday 9th of March, 10am at Farthing Green. See you there!

Loddon Remembrance Day Parade 10 November 2024

It was a privilege for Loddon Town Council to assist Loddon Royal British Legion with the organisation of today's Remembrance Sunday event. It was lovely that so many were able to attend, and the parade was one of the smartest and largest we have seen.

Thank you to those of you who worked so hard to ensure that today's event went smoothly.

Special thanks go to:

- Loddon RBL for organising the parade

- Revd Ros HoffMann for a lovely service

- The local groups that attended and laid a wreath

- Loddon Bellringers

- LTC Cllrs Mervyn Pointer, Julie Appleby and Andy Woodman

- the JC Cub 'Miss Norah' for her flypast

A poignant and dignified event to remember those who lost their lives in military conflicts.

We will remember them.

The Love Loddon Community Group 21 September 2024

It was amazing the number of ‘STRIPPERS’ that turned out last Saturday morning!!! 🙈 😂


A fun time was had by all, and many thanks go to our Love 💚 Loddon volunteers Jo, Carol, Jonathan, Mike, Roy, Carol & Bernard and Mervyn… and to Andy for supporting us.  Also welcome to Carl!


Planting out for the Winter will take place next SUNDAY 29TH OF SEPTEMBER, 10AM CHURCH PLAIN for anyone that would like to lend a hand.

A HUGE thank you to LODDON DELI & COFFEE for kindly supplying us on Saturday with their delicious coffee. ☕️


Emma was a little camera shy, but to our Love 💚 Loddon Community Group volunteers, she was nothing short of a superstar!🤩


Thanks again Emma 🙏


The Chet Valley Summer Fete

We would like to thank all the brave stall holders and visitors who, despite the horrendous weather, came out to support our fete!

Sadly the event was cancelled due to the poor weather. 

Let's hope for better weather next time!


The Big South Norfolk Litter Pick

We would like to thank all the stoic Litter Pickers 🚮 who, despite the decidedly damp start on Sunday morning, joined us for the South Norfolk Big Litter Pick.


As it happens the clouds broke 🌤 and we managed to stay dry for the whole session. Hooray!


A huge thank you to everyone supporting this event but especially two brilliant Brownies, accompanied by their leaders!  👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Footnote – Loddon is to be congratulated in the minimal amount of litter collected.  Keep up the good work and keep, keeping Loddon Litter Free! 🗑

Love Loddon Community Group 

Have you noticed Loddon’s newly planted flower displays?

Our incredible Love Loddon Community Group volunteers spent a sociable, sunny morning on Sunday planting them for everyone to enjoy!

Many thanks to Jo, Jonathan, Carol, Julie, Cathryn, Mervyn and Roy, who also tidied behind the benches at Farthing Green and the Bee-line bed at Loddon Staithe.

This pair of lovely life-savers, kept us going on Sunday morning whilst we were planting, by kindly supplying us with complimentary coffee!  ☕️ 🙏 👏🏻


Thank you, Jo and team, at The Angel 😇 in Loddon, from the Love 💚 Loddon Community Group Volunteers.

Just to prove we did actually do some work on Sunday (and not just sit in the sun 🌞and drink coffee ☕️!)


Three cheers please for Jo, Jonathan, Cathryn, Carol and Julie 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

And finally..

Don’t you think Farthing Green is looking rather fancy? 🙌


More of our Love💚Loddon Community Group Volunteers here…Roy, Mervyn and Julie…finishing off on Sunday, with strimming, weeding and planting! 🌱

Love Loddon Community Group 

Our amazing Love 💚 Loddon Community Group volunteers, did us proud once again, by coming together at the Staithe on Sunday 24 March 2024 to tidy, weed and add new plants to the Chet Valley B-Line 🐝 flower bed!


Shown here, before and after shots, which will look fabulous once the new lavender plants 🌱 get established.  Thank you everyone, you did a great job! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Have you met the amazing Eliza?!!


ALL these sticks were collected by Eliza, from the Staithe Car Park, at our event last Sunday! 🌟 (…and she also helped her dad to pick litter and sweep up!)


We are honoured that Eliza and her lovely family, regularly support our Love 💚 Loddon Community Group.


Being involved outdoors, 🍃 in community projects is great for kids!  Why don’t you and your family join us next time? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 


Love 💚 Loddon Community Group tasks are many and varied, and of our volunteers on Sunday at Loddon Staithe, Cathryn was a litter picking champion! 🏆


WHO KNEW a car park 🚗 could be so clean!!! 


Thanks to Larry, our super-sweeping 🧹Love 💚 Loddon Community Group hero for doing such a tremendous job of the Staithe car park on Sunday.


Anyone for coffee??? ☕️ 


A few of our Love 💚 Loddon Community Group volunteers, taking a well-earned breather and warming up last Sunday, after all their efforts in tidying Loddon Staithe! 💪


Thanks so much to Superstars Lucy, Mike, Cathryn, Claire, Larry, Roy, Mervyn, James and Eliza 🌟 also to lovely Caroline of Rosy Lees for the most welcome hot drinks.


Fancy joining us? 🤝 Please contact 01508 522020 or

Love Loddon Community Group 

Sunday morning was amazing!  The sun shone and TEN of our wonderful Love 💚 Loddon Community Group volunteers turned out to cut back the overgrown shrubs by the Co-op, also tidying, planting and litter picking on Church Plain…and what a difference we made!


Many thanks and a round of applause please for Mike, Jonathan, Lucy, Roy, Cathryn, Joanne, Carol, George, Peter, and Mervyn 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Next up is the Staithe on Sunday 24th of March, details to follow.

Remembrance Day Parade 2023

It was a privilege to assist Loddon Royal British Legion with the organisation of this year's Remembrance Sunday event. It was lovely that so many were able to attend, and the parade was one of the smartest and largest we have seen.

Volunteer Event 2023

Everyone was invited to come along and find out more about volunteering in our community.

Loddon Logo


01508 522 020

EMERGENCY PHONE: 01508 486 128

9am - 12pm Tuesday

9am - 12pm Wednesday

9am - 12pm Thursday

The Old School, Church Plain 

Loddon, Norfolk, NR14 6EX 

Follow us on Facebook for regular updates.

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Thanks to Carl Davidson for the website photography

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